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The natural justice: who is blind, the deaf hear better, see better in the shorter one of his legs to be longer than the other. Young people are 50% optimistic about the future. The other half had no money for drugs. The power being part looks like that is not energized. Just another catches the ... ... And God Created man. Then I had a better idea! I do not understand, why can not the Jews and Arabs to sit down and good Christians how to resolve this matter. We are pleased to announce to everyone that ate the last cannibal! The processors operate in smoke. If the smoke comes out of them, no longer function. I woke early. Where's the gold? Time is money. Money talks, the dog barks. The one dog barks, it will not bite. It follows that the time does not bite. But then why is her iron teeth? The Programme, which converts the data hibaüzenetekké. The team is: who is always blamed. Everyone who believes in the parametric phenomena, raise your hand! I have done the lion's share of the task: screaming! Right now is a bustard, as tomorrow is a bloodhound. More men would leave his family there, if he knew how to pack. Can be good, but always elzavarnak. As long as my boss pretends that if I pay for, while I was pretending to work well. I do not drink, do not smoke, do not nőzöm, wake up at six every day. But all that changes when the dutyiból get out. If you will be kids, buy a twin stroller, and then I tell him that he had a twin brother, but missed the word .. I found a new solution to obscure the breath. I lift my arms. I can not imagine, I have to try! :-) Now I know how many fit into a tube of toothpaste. Almost three feet. I was not spoiled by success, and I my life was unbearable. Aranyhalam the dead, and have just started getting used without water. I did not know that it is impossible, so I did. I like to slim my waist, my arm is muscular and sporty on the outside. The only problem is that all this is covered with thick hájréteg. I think any intelligent person who agrees with me. I can explain everything, even if not wrong. The neighbors should not be something rich. Every time I go to them to ask them something, they do not. Is it any wonder that I am confused, because one parent was a woman, the other man? I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, but because I hate plants. Modesty is the art that other people come to him how important I am. We have two beautiful children - In two out of five is not bad money. Somehow I'm the guy with, like giraffes. I like, I like it, but I should not do at home. Do not suffer from mental illness. I enjoy every minute of it. The donkey ears in the simplest form of origami. Can be good, but always elzavarnak. If the child is not your parents, you most likely will not. A camel is a very hardy animal: even survive without water for life. And even beyond. Scientists have discovered that a diversity of food intake by 90% reduces women's sexual appetite. This is the wedding cake. Jesus has changed your life! Do you want to save your changes? Yes / No Not yet complete, but almost started! The following horoscope of the day: you get a lot of praise, flowers torrential floods, but not surprised by this. All these funeral! We are pleased to inform you that our action has won the main prize, a 3-week-Roma children. If you fail to átéetelét, mailed to the entire family! Congratulations. You have a full member of the Association of Gays. Remember, we always stand behind you! We are aware that you love dogs, 78% by posture. Too high a rate of pay in 2003, Dog license required. Tax Office. "My daughter, Leonorának who sustained without sympathy and encouragement this book would be half the time I wrote it." (P. G. Wodehouse) "A jaw came from behind me, what I told him to breed and multiply, but not in these words." (Woody Allen) "In seeking to banish demons drumming natives despise the civilized Americans who want to dismiss dudálással traffic jams." (Mary Allen Kelly) "I have instructed to wake me in case of emergency, even if I'm just sitting government." (Ronald Reagan) "My wife has been accused that I never listen to it. Or something like that." (Paolo) "Our children spend the first year of life, teach them to walk and talk the next twelve, and that finally sit down now and will be shut up." (Phyllis Diller) "We need a new Air Force, my bombers? Complained in the past few years we lebombázottak?" (George Wallace) "A condom does not provide complete safety. My friend was, it was hit by a bus." (Bob Rubin) Confuse the world to smile on Monday! As always let the smart, has long been ruled by idiots. Despite the fact that life is precious, it is still quite popular. The long bow against the deafness is the only protection. The road to success - for maintenance - is closed. Take a breath! 10 búvárból recommended by 9. The sleep hungry. The evéstol elálmosodom. Life is good. Man proposes, God's a pervert. Wisdom is very easy to guess. The man simply describes the opposite of what he does. Dear parents, send 10,000 forints to calm down, there are no financial problems. Hi, you are traveling on this train? There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary numbers, even those who do not. A relationship is better than a relationship. Sign of the chess federation, because peasants lost in a dark ... I asked for ice, but this is ridiculous! (One of the passengers on the Titanic) I'm so versatile that it is almost spherical. Diplomat is someone who can gyűzni his wife, that would szőrmebundában stout. When I was a kid I prayed every night with a bicikliért. Then I realized God does not work that way. I stole a bike for myself, then I asked God to forgive me. (Emo Philips) I'm not worried because of the debt. It is big enough to take care of yourself! You are a very strong argument for abortion or the next. I woke early. Where's the gold? Time is money. Money talks, the dog barks. The one dog barks, it will not bite. Ebb? L implies that the time? do not bite. But then why is her iron teeth? The throw up my passport to the boring horror movies. If the black box of a material which can withstand everything, then why not do it all from the plane? So fat that he had the two best friends. I'd like a game of patience! BUT AS THE DRAGON! I do not blame bread and butter. I have been cooking in the matter! Every complex problem has a simple, clear and wrong solution. The only obstacle to happiness is reality. The opinions are like ass holes we all have, but no one is interested in the other paliéra. Do not fish tomorrow, we elnapolhatsz indefinitely. In the future, it is best to come up in just one day. The future is very similar to the present, only worse. The Alzheimer's good side is that every day you meet new people! The only thing I accomplished in my life, was the handle. Life is before me, and I do not see anything from him. The depis the man who looks around smelling floral scent, where the coffin. Ultimately, every human relationship ... so ill just wait for them. Health is merely the slowest way to death. Do not worry about your health. It passes. Life is like playing the violin when people stand up and go learn to play. My life is a movie which is not too bad for the cast and the story does not even understand. Do not suffer from mental illness. I enjoy every minute of it. Only normal, I did not know enough. Common sense is the collection of prejudices that people get together at age 18. I vowed not to gobble, and no protection, and fourteen days, I fired two weeks. The optimistic, saying that the future is uncertain. I'm so ugly that pszichiáternél always like to lie down. If you think nobody cares whether you live, you die to try to miss the monthly gas bill. Live with it every day as if it were the last of your life. Then suddenly you're right. If I lived again, follow these same mistakes, only sooner. Life is uncertain. Let's start with dessert! Any megoldhatatlanná developed a simple problem, I wonder if you met him. To change the world! Yesterday I told a French cannibal girl, now it is no longer interested in sex. I do not drink, do not smoke, do not nőzöm, wake up at six every day. But all that changes when the dutyiból get out. If he were alive today celebrate the twentieth anniversary of his death. Alcohol kills, boutiques, misery and decide! - Now this is true or not, or the wrong order. There is no intelligent life on Earth, I just jumped. To check on the vehicle! Too bad it does not reverse. Alkoholmérgezéstől party who do not drink alcohol poisoning. I give piano lessons - I am. There are thousands of phone numbers by heart I know, but I do not know who owns what. Should not want to moan at the end - but this does not apply to sex. There is a real túlélőkésem. He survived my father and my grandfather too. Biológussal If you live together, you better not torkoskodsz the fridge. Life begins when the kids move out, and the dog dies out. Once I went to someone's brain - two days and scraped the blood from my car. Jogging is for those who are not intelligent enough to watch TV. The relative shortness of neurotic sloth to you. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel ..... honk but why? The stubble is not inserted. Just to be able to be born in the wrong side.
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